Sunday, October 4, 2009

New blog!

I've decided to start my own blog.

I don't really know why but it might help me to put all the different projects I have in mind to something concrete. I'll also try to improve my english (yes yes, even after YEARS of studying it, I'll always consider myself as a student for life :) )

I'm a 3d animator. I love arts, but since i've started 3d, my drawings skills are not as cool as they used to be. I want to change that. And I want to make another short movie. I need a story first...

I'm currently learning japanese...for no specific reason. No, I'm not a MANGA freak or anything like that (my roomate is). I juste always thought that Japanese sounds so AWESOME. I'm even able to read some hiraganas now! (WOOT) And maybe sometimes I will write some small things in japanese, translating them to you.

I have a new cat home also. Her name is Luna. In french "lune" means "moon", and she's all white like the moon. I LOVE HER SO MUCH! But sometimes..... SHE BITES. I need to change that.

-Improve english
-Improve drawing
-Find a story for another short movie
-Improve japanese
-Find a way to stop my cat from biting.

That's a good start.

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